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Our books provide a positive image of  African American children and their families as they go about their routine daily lives. Some of the stories are funny, some are serious with a message, but all promote children's intellectual curiosity,  self-confidence and respect for others, and encourages parents to read to their children so to instill in them a love for reading.  

Books are available  on -  Amazon - Barnes and Nobles  - Goodreads - Books-a-million - Thrifts books -


Frankie, the new kid in the neighborhood, makes friends very quickly.  He loves to play pirates, cowboys and Indians, and explore the neighborhood on his big wheel with his friends after school.

He always forgets the time and is always late for dinner.  Despite his Mom's daily scolding and removal of his privileges, he continues to come home late for dinner until he gets into big trouble, and everyone learns an important lesson. 

Amazon URL - https://www.amazon.com/Wheres-Frankie-Mosina-Jordan/dp/057847266X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=mosina+jordan&qid=1599418320&sr=8-2 

Michael's new baby sister arrives home and whilehe's happy to see her; he can't get much sleep becauseshe cries at the top of her lungs every night.

He wonders what happens to her when his mother takes her out of the bedroom and returns her fast asleep.

The mystery unveils itself when he finally succeeds after several attempts at investigating and he's totally surprised!

Amazon URL - https://www.amazon.com/Curious-Michael-Mysterious-Baby-Sister/dp/0578498200/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=mosina+jordan&qid=1599418320&sr=8-3 

Michael was a normal 10-month old, who liked playing with his toys, crawling around, and getting into mischief. But he didn't like being told "no" when he was exploring new things. He especially didn't like the Sleep Dragon.  Each night his mother thought she heard through the bedroom door, Michael crying.

But these were not cries, they were the sounds of Michael magically turning into Sir Michael the Sleep Fighter as he raged fierce battles with the Sleep Dragon who seemed to return each night for another epic battle.

Amazon URL - 


Michele 's brothers had pets and Michele was unhappy that she didn't have a pet. Her mother promised to take her to the Animal Shelter to select a pet.

When the day arrived, Michele selected a female cat and her Mom adopted the cat. Michele named the cat Pitsy.

Pitsy loved her new home and the family loved their new family member. A year later, when Michele came home from school, Pitsy was nowhere to be found.  Michele, her brothers, and Mom looked everywhere for Pitsy, inside the house and in the neighborhood and panic sets-in.

Amazon URL - https://www.amazon.com/Pitsy-Missing-Mosina-Jordan/dp/0578532166/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=mosina+jordan&qid=1599418320&sr=8-5 

Gabrielle's parents were waiting the arrival of their first child in a few days. They knew it was a girl and hoped she would arrive on the 10th of the month so that she would have a special bond

with her mother, who was also born on the 10th

of the month. But, Gabrielle arrived on the 15th,

healthy, with ten fingers and ten toes, and smiling. 

Her parents named her Gabrielle, which means "God is my strength."As the days and months passed, Gabrielle grew stronger each day - eating solid food, playing with her toys, scooting and crawling, and getting into trouble.  Gabrielle was going to have many exciting adventures at the park, zoo, beach and Disneyland.

Amazon URl - https://www.amazon.com/Gabrielles-Amazing-Adventures-Jordan-Mosina/dp/1087896835/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=mosina+jordan&qid=1599418320&sr=8-1 

On a beautiful Southern California morning, Gabrielle's parents woke her up and got her ready for an amazing day.

They all piled in the car loaded with goodies and drove off in the cool early morning air.

She was pleasantly surprised to be on a  mountain and  was overjoyed to see snow, play in the snow, sled in the snow and build a snowman.

But this was only the first part of her amazing day. Gabrielle in her swimsuit, Ladybug flip-flops and Ladybug sunglasses wet her feet in the sea, made sand castles, rolled in the sand and chased seagulls. 

Amazon URL - https://www.amazon.com/Gabrielles-Amazing-Adventures-Mountains-Sea/dp/1087908175/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=mosina+jordan&qid=1599418320&sr=8-6 


Mosina Jordan

Born on December 14, 1943, in Brooklyn, New York, as a child Mosina Jordan dreamed of being a medical doctor. In pursuit of her dream, she attended New York University and majored in pre-med and mathematics. During the summer of her junior year, while volunteering in Beth-Israel Hospital, she observed an autopsy and realized that being a medical doctor wasn't for her.  After graduating from New York University, she worked as a mathematician for a short period with the John Hopkins University Physics Laboratory before attending law school at Howard University.  She and her husband moved to and lived on the West coast before ultimately settling back in Washington, DC where she received her Juris Doctorate from American University Law School.

She had a distinguished 34-year career in public service: working as an attorney advisor for the Community Service Administration; Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Agency for International Development - serving as Deputy Mission Director, Mission Director, Assistant Deputy Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Acting Administrator for Management, and Counselor to the Agency; and Ambassador to the Central African Republic for the U.S. Department of State; and receiving many Presidential Awards for her outstanding career service. 

She found her passion for writing children's books when she retired and was inspired by her real-life experiences raising three small children.  Living and working in Africa and the Caribbean, and traveling the globe, she tried to instill in her children intellectual curiosity, compassion, respect for others, self-confidence and strong leadership skills.  These values are reflected in the children's books she writes.